Monday, November 10, 2008

November 9, 2008

Save money by going green!

As the temperatures drop and we head into winter it’s time to look for ways to save money, especially with home heating costs and the holidays fast-approaching. Why not look into purchasing a reusable mug and brewing a pot of coffee at home? You can make your morning pick me up as strong as you like and you can pick from a vast majority of organic and fair trade beans. Better yet? Making coffee at home and filling a reusable mug saves you money! Or why not start bringing lunch with you to work? Come in and check out our selection of lunch totes, sacks, utensils, and thermoses. You can pack healthy green options, your favorite homemade treat, and you can save yourself a ton by not buying lunch in the cafeteria or deli down the street. While you’re out doing your holiday shopping come see us at our second location on Main Street in East Greenwich, RI.

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