Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Green Summer Progress

I am eating differently, keeping my meat consumption to three times a week per less, and by the end of the summer extinct from my lifestyle.

I am growing organic produce. Purchasing local foods from the farmer’s market and composting as many scraps as possible.

What should I tackle next?

One of the most important parts of living a greener life, RECYCLING!

As a person who already recycles there are a few more steps that I can take. But if you haven’t recycled before, or your town doesn’t have curbside pick-up don’t worry, you can still have those pretty blue and green bins.

To start with, get some containers for separating. You will need at least 2, but if you want to go all out you can have 4 like I do.
Bin 1) Glass, plastic (#’s 1 and 2 in RI), and aluminum – the blue bin
Bin 2) Paper and cardboard – the green bin.
My House:
Bin 1) Glass and plastic
Bin 2) Aluminum (including empty cans, clean aluminum foil, and empty soda cans)
Bin 3) Paper (including newspapers, cardboard, envelopes, junk mail, receipts, brown bags, etc)
Bin 4) Re-use – I save things that might be useful for a craft project or for the students at my other job to use as art supplies (including magazines, some newspaper, paper scraps, Styrofoam peanuts, bubble wrap, some cardboard, shoe boxes, string, applesauce and yogurt containers, empty cans, soda bottles, milk jugs, etc)

My goal: to recycle anything and everything that Rhode Island Resource Recovery will take. All clean paper (it can be drawn on, just no food), cardboard, aluminum, #1 and #2 plastic, glass bottles and jars, etc.) I want to double my recycling and half my trash.

If you want to learn more about Rhode Island Resource Recovery, the Recycling Center and recycling programs for your home, office and child’s school visit: www.rirrc.org

Did You Know? For a small fee you can become a member of the Recycling Center and go there for discount office and craft supplies? Including pens, pencils, binders, cloth, ribbon, etc.

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